An important basis of the Maggi diet is the foundation that promotes weight loss. If you make changes to it, the system will be completely different. To obtain specific results, the following criteria must be taken into account:
- In accordance with the diet, a lot of protein enters the body.
- The amount of carbohydrates should be minimal.
- As the main products should be eggs and low-fat cottage cheese.
- As an additional product, you can eat grapefruit.
- Terms are limited to 2 or 4 weeks.
- A hunger strike lasts 14 days, during which it is strictly necessary to follow a nutrition schedule.
- 14 days eating foods on the list in a convenient amount.
The author of this system for dieting is unknown, but it is considered correct from the point of view of physiology and medicine. The meal plan and the list of products have a strong effect. Experts point to the advisability of using citrus fruits together with protein ingredients.
The name of the diet comes from the famous British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher (Maggie). The food system gained particular popularity after it was discovered in an old diary by unknown persons. The description said 2 eggs and a grapefruit for breakfast.
How is weight loss
Maggi's nutrition system is known in two versions - egg and curd. Each of them is designed to rebuild the body to reduce weight. For this, terms of 2 and 4 weeks (optional) were adopted.
The result of using this technique will be weight loss. To achieve it, you must strictly follow the established rules and requirements, as well as constantly monitor the process.
Changes that will be noticeable after several meals:
- there will be a noticeable acceleration of metabolism;
- there will be a process of burning carbohydrates and fats;
- complete assimilation of proteins will occur;
- the body will receive saturation, which is enough for a long time during the day;
- faster digestion of food thanks to the developed plan;
Such a diet will help the body:
- improve the condition of the skin, hair, teeth and bones;
- fatigue and irritation will disappear;
- muscle mass will be preserved, which will allow you to adjust the figure and harmony;
- the nervous system will improve, and depression and bad mood will no longer bother.

During the application of the diet, a person will feel comfortable, mood will improve.
Week 1
During this period of time, a person will feel stress and difficulties. This is due to the fact that the body will need to rebuild in a new way. Experts note the possibility of mild malaise - dizziness, nausea. It is recommended to drink a glass of water to restore vitality.
2 weeks
The period is much calmer than the previous one. The body is affected by proteins that come with eggs and cottage cheese. For a person, minor problems with the intestines are possible in connection with the transition to a new diet. The condition may improve after taking laxative drinks made from natural herbs.
3 week
The period is soft and encouraging. The body at this time gradually adapts to new conditions. Side effects no longer torment a person (poor health, malaise). The main thing at this time is not to go the distance and eat only the food that is allowed in accordance with the schedule and the list of products. To cheer up, you can weigh yourself and make sure you lose extra pounds.
4 week
The period passes in harmony. All dieters feel great. The body gets used to the Maggi system.
Experts assure those who want to lose weight that this option will be the most effective for them. The result will not keep you waiting. In this case, the body is not injured and quickly recovers after 2 or 4 weeks.
Keep in mind. For the diet, it is recommended to eat only eggs that have been stored for less than 7 days. This is due to the loss of a large number of amino acids in the composition.
Efficiency and results
Any diet involves losing extra pounds. This procedure is an incentive for further heads and the use of unusual products. Maggi's real food system does not include eating shrimp, adding vinegar and other ingredients to dishes. In this regard, it can be called the most optimal:
- The first 7 days - 2-3 kg.
- 2 weeks - 3-5 kg.
- 3 weeks - up to 8 kg.
The maximum amount when dumping does not exceed 10-12 kg. Specialists guarantee high results. If the weight does not go away, subject to all the rules, then you need to look for the cause in the characteristics of your own body.
The reason can only be determined by a doctor. It can be a hormonal failure, a metabolic disorder. After solving this problem, you can immediately begin to continue the diet.
Impressive! Hollywood actor Adrien Brody with the help of Maggie lost 14 kg. This was necessary for the role in the film "The Pianist". This role won him an Oscar.
List of contraindications
It is better to consult a doctor in advance for advice. This is because a protein diet can affect the digestive system. Fasting should be taken especially seriously by people with chronic diseases. Otherwise, unpleasant consequences may occur.
Among the contraindications are the following:
- an allergic reaction caused by the use of eggs, citrus fruits and cottage cheese;
- increase or decrease in pressure;
- the nutrition system is prohibited for pregnant women (an excess of protein is formed in the body when fats and carbohydrates are also needed during the formation of the fetus);
- increased sensitivity of the intestine, the occurrence of constipation;
- cardiovascular ailments;
- kidney or liver problems.
Experts advise to consult a doctor 7 days before starting a new diet plan. The body will be rebuilt, which means that there should be no obstacles to this procedure. Only a doctor can assess the possibilities of health and provide recommendations.
Be careful! Often, when eating a large number of eggs, unpleasant phenomena occur, such as belching. If such a biological process occurs in the body, you can abandon Maggi and switch to a different method of losing weight.
Compliance rules
The Maggi diet is unusual for many people. Experts consider it effective in the daily struggle for weight loss.
The power system includes requirements and rules that are recommended to be strictly observed. Otherwise, the result of its application will not be noticeable:
- Drinking water - 2 liters per day.
- It is recommended to exclude salt from the diet (1 g per day is allowed).
- During the first 14 days, snacking is prohibited.
- It is necessary to be in the fresh air more often (from 30 minutes or more).
- During a free meal, it is not recommended to overeat (you need to finish the meal with a slight feeling of hunger).
- Do not eat 3-4 hours before going to bed.
- You do not need to adhere to the Maggi diet for negative manifestations.
- Sports are encouraged.
- Reception of medicines or drugs on natural herbs should be limited.
- The exit from the food system should be gradual in order to avoid health problems.
These rules will be useful when using Maggi for 2 or 4 weeks. During the hunger strike, a person will feel lightness and good mood. Vitality will also be restored, energy will appear.
Therefore, if there are no contraindications for using this system, then you can eat those foods that are included in the list of allowed. Also an approximate menu for breakfast, lunch and dinner, which will allow you to eat right while losing weight.
Useful advice. Experts advise eating only small eggs, as they do not have microcracks for the evaporation of nutrients.
When applying the Maggi weight loss system, you need to pay attention to eating the same products for 2 or 4 weeks. The menu contains different dishes, but without much variety of ingredients.
Many sweet, flour, salty and fried products are banned. Cereals are also excluded - rice, buckwheat. Among fruits, citrus fruits are recommended, as they contain fat-burning acids.
All food products must be subjected to heat treatment. To lose weight, the following cooking methods are used:
- Steam cooking.
- Cooking in a saucepan.
- Baking in the oven or oven.
When cooking, you do not need to use oil. A small amount is allowed after 4 weeks of fasting.
After leaving the diet, frying meat in a pan is allowed, subject to the following rules (to avoid rapid weight gain):
- eat small portions;
- apply this method no more than 1 time in 3 days;
- use a non-stick pan.
When compiling a daily menu, you need to rely on such recommendations. They were designed specifically to get the result. So you can not injure the body, but smoothly move on to a new way of life.
Do not invent! Many women in the pursuit of harmony consume quail eggs. Nutritionists categorically do not recommend doing this, since this natural product does not contain lutein and other amino acids involved in proper metabolism.
sample menu

Some people have difficulty in compiling a daily menu for weight loss. To solve this problem, ready-made recipes containing a list of ingredients and cooking methods were developed.
The developers allow minor changes to the recipe depending on personal preferences. The main rule is to rely on the list of allowed and prohibited products. If a person on a diet does not like tomatoes, then it is allowed to replace them with cucumbers. Also, if you are allergic to meat or fish, you need to switch to other ingredients.
Therefore, as part of the Maggi diet, a person can choose a weight loss period (2 or 4 weeks), an option (egg or cottage cheese), as well as dishes for compiling a daily menu for breakfast, lunch and dinner. You can make a colorful table and paint it by day of the week.
For 4 weeks
All ingredients can be purchased at any supermarket. Products must be of high quality with a valid expiration date. Dishes used for weight loss must be dietary.
After leaving (at the end of 4 weeks) from the diet, you can independently compose dishes, menus, based on the list of allowed products.
If the nutrition system is designed for 2 weeks, then the person will be given a tougher unusual regimen. If you feel unwell, you can always change the hunger strike plan to another. Don't torture your body.
For 2 week
For a reduced power system, a table is also used to calculate the mode of food intake. With this period, it is also possible to switch from a barley diet to a curd diet (1 egg equals 100 g of cottage cheese).
The rigidity of such a period of fasting is due to the fact that it is necessary to consume only a specific amount of permitted ingredients. In the first and second week it is recommended to follow the rules:
- for breakfast no more than 200 g of cottage cheese or 2 eggs;
- at lunch no more than 350 g of food;
- for dinner no more than 300 g of food.
It is allowed to drink 1 cup of coffee for breakfast, green tea with lemon for lunch, tea with natural herbs for dinner.
When compiling a daily menu, you must adhere to these rules. They do not depend on the duration of the hunger strike. From the permitted ingredients, you can cook quite tasty and healthy dishes.
Nutritionists recommend. When using a shortened period, you can eat only citrus fruits. This is due to the fact that the body needs to quickly adapt to a new diet, which contributes to weight loss. Otherwise, a person will not be able to get the desired result in a short period of time.
Smooth exit from the diet
The finish must be passed without eating fatty, sweet and starchy foods. Reception should be varied and contain a small amount of calories. For 7 days you can eat only 2 or 3 eggs. Citrus fruits are recommended to be reduced in quantity or completely abandoned for a certain period of time. You can replace them with 2-3 large spoons of honey.
It is allowed to add a little granulated sugar to a coffee drink or tea. Vegetables can be eaten as usual. The body should not receive protein for more than 4 weeks. This is bad for weight loss. You also need to constantly check your health. With a bad mood and discomfort, you need to change your diet.
You can diversify the Maggi system by taking other products, but only with the content of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Physical exercises are also suitable (they should be in moderation).
These rules are suitable for any age and gender. There is no need to use any vitamin complexes. It is recommended to strictly observe the number of meals every day - breakfast, lunch and dinner. After 2 hours (at least) it is allowed to have a snack with 1 carrot, cucumber or lettuce.
Experts point to a beneficial restructuring of the metabolism in the body due to chemical processes. This helps the rapid burning of fats and carbohydrates, as well as cleaning the entire body of toxins and toxins.
Diet Recipes

Baked fish
To replenish the body with proteins, you need to eat baked fish. You can use fillets. Salt and pepper it, and then wrap it in foil. Bake in the oven or oven for about 45-50 minutes. The time depends on the size. Lemon juice can be added to taste.

Chicken breast
Simple and easy to cook chicken breast. It must be thoroughly washed, beaten off with a kitchen hammer, and then fried in a pan for about 3-4 minutes. Each side should be evenly cooked.

Boiled vegetables
When eating vegetables, they must first be boiled in water. It is recommended to cut the zucchini, and then add salt, a mixture of peppers (measure the amount to taste). Then put all the products in a small saucepan and put on the stove. For flavor, you can add fresh chopped herbs.

Fruit salad
If the scheme does not indicate a period with the use of only citrus, then you can treat yourself to a fruit salad. The recipe can be used next. Pear, apples, tangerine (you can still melon) peeled and cut into cubes. Put all the ingredients in a deep bowl and season with lemon juice.

Baked meat
When applying the diet, meat is best cooked (especially beef). For beef, dry and lean parts can be used. Pork contains more fat than other meats, so it is best to bake it in the oven.
Parts of beef or pork are recommended to be rubbed with salt and spices to taste. It is better to cook in foil in the oven or oven. Mandatory rule - no oil.
This technique is very effective when a person has a desire to lose weight and gain a slender silhouette.
Reviews and results
In modern society, there are many recipes for losing weight, as well as exiting the diet. Their choice is influenced by criteria such as fame and rating. There are a lot of positive reviews about Maggi's nutrition system. User photos also help to see the result from the "before and after" category.
First review, female, 24 years old
Maggie's food system is good. It is best used with intense workouts. So the overall result will be more effective. I was able to personally lose more than 8 kg. Remained satisfied.
Second review, female, 28 years old
The diet is great. There are small nuances after going to regular food. There is rumbling and discomfort. This condition can last more than 7 days. In total, she lost about 6. 5 kg over the entire period. As a way of proper nutrition and weight loss - a good one.
Third review, female, 22 years old
The most difficult thing about dieting was to rewire the body to accept certain foods. The effect was felt after 3-4 days. Then it was necessary to add carbohydrates to the diet. It is also recommended to pay special attention to the calories consumed. The result will be 100%. You just need to follow the rules so that the body can rebuild.
Fourth review, female, 37 years old
I recommend this diet plan to anyone who wants to lose weight. Among the main disadvantages, I can note the presence of eggs and citrus fruits in the list of recommended products, since some people are allergic to them. You also need to drink plenty of fluids - about 2. 5 liters of water per day (preferably purified). I was able to lose 8 kg within a month.
Fifth review, female, 35 years old
I really liked the diet. Everything is just great! She lost weight very quickly, but then she still gained about 2 kg. The main rule is not to break loose after such a balanced diet. Otherwise, its observance will be useless.

The results of the diet can be seen in the photo.